
1 People
1 AIA Rabbit Hamburger
1 AIA Free-Range Chicken Egg
1 sesame hamburger bun
5 pitted dried plums
100 g of salad
5 slices of bacon
1 slice of emmenthal
Balsamic vinegar glaze
Borettane onions
1 tablespoon of sugar
Extra virgin olive oil


Today in the AIA kitchen, two amateur cooks challenge each other with recipes based on rabbit hamburgers and eggs to create perfect dishes to enjoy at Easter. Marco, the boat cook, proposes the recipe for the Sweet and Salty Hamburger, a preparation in which two so different flavors meet for a truly unique result. It is a sweet dish due to the presence of plums and balsamic vinegar glaze and salty due to the bacon, Emmental and eggs.

Here is the easy and quick recipe for the Sweet and Salty Hamburger!



Wrap the plums in the bacon and fry them in a pan until they are very crispy. In another non-stick pan, add a drizzle of oil, the onions, a tablespoon of sugar and a few tablespoons of water. When the onions are caramelized to the right point, turn off the heat.


Cook the AIA Rabbit Hamburger in a pan or on the grill and prepare the fried egg using a round pastry cutter to maintain a regular shape and the same size as the AIA Rabbit Hamburger.


Cut the bun in half and heat the inside in the same pan where you cooked the plums with the bacon. Fill the bun with the salad, the plums, the onions, the AIA Rabbit Hamburger, the cheese, the egg and decorate with the balsamic vinegar glaze. 

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